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Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!)
Автор: Stephen Schiffman
For more than thirty years, Stephan Schiffman, America's #1 corporate sales trainer, has shown millions of salespeople how to close a deal. In this newest edition of Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!), he'll show you why cold calling is still a central element of the sales cycle and where to find the best leads. Updated with new information on e-mail selling, refining voice-mail messages, and online networking, his time-tested advice includes valuable discussion points that you'll need to cover in order to effectively present your product or service and arrange a meeting.
The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts
Автор: Mike Brooks
Are you looking for a way to be more successful selling your products and services over the phone? If you use the phone to cold call, set appointments, follow up with leads or close business, then this book is for you! Packed with over 200 word for word, proven and up to date scripts, the Ultimate Book of Phone scripts will instantly make you more effective as you learn to breeze past gatekeepers, easily connect with decision makers and qualify and close more business over the phone
Call Center Staffing: The Complete Practical Guide to Workforce Management
Автор: Penny Reynolds
Call Center Staffing - The Complete, Practical Guide to Call Center Management takes the reader through the step-by-step process of forecasting workload, calculating staff, creating schedules, tracking daily performance, and managing by the numbers in a call center. Topics include: Overview of call center staffing issues Data gathering and analysis Forecasting workload Calculating staff requirements Creating staff schedules Skill-based routing and scheduling Managing intr-day staffing and service Calculating trunk/network requirements Staffing for multi-media contacts Automating workforce management Call Center staffing alternatives Workforce management roles and responsibilities The book is designed to be a how-to guide to enable today's call center professional to master the art and science of call center staffing.
Gower Handbook of Call and Contact Centre Management
Автор: Natalie Calvert
Call centres and contact centres form an important and rapidly growing part of today's business world. They present a range of management challenges, from strategic decisions about how to develop a customer strategy, business planning, through to detailed considerations of staffing levels and appropriate technology. This new handbook, the first of its kind, provides a unique insight giving expert opinions on how to get the most out of your contact centre operations. Natalie Calvert, a specialist in the field, has brought together a team of 35 experienced practitioners who provide invaluable knowledge, share their experiences and draw on real-life examples to suggest practical solutions on a wide range of topics. This handbook is an indispensible guide and reference for call and contact centre managers, HR specialists and senior executives responsible for marketing, sales or customer services. The handbook is divided into six parts: I The business plan II The people factor III Contact centre technology IV Standards, processes, and outsourcing V Building profitable customer relationships VI The future.
Call Center People Management Handbook and Study Guide
Автор: Brad Cleveland
The ICMI study guide series begins with this important topic people management. The Call Center People Management Handbook and Study Guide covers competencies related to the effective hiring, management and development of call center employees. The study guide begins by covering the design of an effective call center organizational structure, including the development of job descriptions, job evaluations and staffing plans. The second section of the guide focuses on acquiring the people with the skills and aptitudes to make the call center successful. Next, training and development are discussed with an emphasis placed on creating an ongoing learning environment that encourages self-development. Performance improvement follows with a section devoted to the particular monitoring, coaching and performance measurement challenges of call centers. Finally, the guide concludes with topics that will maximize human resources, including career paths, effective culture and team-building.
The Real-Time Contact Center: Strategies, Tactics, and Technologies for Building a Profitable Service and Sales Operation
Автор: Donna FLUSS
"To get a competitive edge in a world of commoditized service, companies have to convert their reactive, cost-oriented contact centers into predictive, engaged, revenue-generating, real-time profit centers. A real-time contact center provides an outstanding customer experience, enhances loyalty, increases sales, reduces expenses, and streamlines information flow between the center and the company at large -- all of which adds up to substantial bottom-line improvement. The Real-Time Contact Center is a practical guide to building a service infrastructure that will simultaneously exceed your customers’ expectations, and build revenues. This timely book will help you: Establish the business case for transforming your contact center into a real-time profit center. * Sort through the technologies and systems that enable real-time contact centers, and learn the best ways to use them. * Build profitable relationships with sales and marketing. * Strengthen your self-service applications to improve their efficiency and to reduce dependence on service representatives, enabling significant cost reductions. * Hire, train, and motivate staff to keep your contact center at the top of its game. * Make smart, ethical decisions regarding offshore outsourcing. The book is packed with step-by-step implementation plans for migrating from your current model to the real-time contact center, and offers a complete package of winning strategies, practical guidelines, and best practices. Each chapter includes self-assessment checklists for use by all the crucial players in your contact environment. The Real-Time Contact Center analyzes the business trends that are driving change in the contact center market, and provides vendor names and a market overview of key call center technology, systems, and applications. The book also discusses how to optimize management and processes to ensure your people are well positioned to deliver extraordinary service with every interaction. Most importantly, The Real-Time Contact Center will show you how to make this crucial transformation without disrupting your current service initiatives. With the powerful tools and practical recommendations in this book, you will transfer quickly and seamlessly to a world-class contact center that’s designed to generate substantial revenue, delight your customers, reduce expenses, and make your organization the envy of its industry."
Advice from a Call Center Geek: Rethinking Call Center Operations
Автор: Mr. Thomas Anthony Laird
"Advice from a Call Center Geek: Rethinking Call Center Operations is a field manual for the 21st century contact center. Practical, poignant, and funny, Tom dishes out amazing real-world advice that has made his organization successful. From culture to education to incentives, Tom addresses the key areas to make your contact center world-class!"Paul HerdmanHead of Customer ExperienceNICE inContactAdvice From a Call Center Geek takes a look at a new way of running today's high end contact center. Tom Laird, the CEO of award winning Expivia Interaction Marketing, 600 seat BPO call center guides you through the process of developing a world class operation.This book will take you through the process of evaluating and changing your call center's culture, how to look beyond a resume to hire the "right" associates and show you how to educate for quality while maintaining high level management. Advice from a Call Center Geek will make you rethink how the call center manager of today should be looking at running their call center.
Strategic Customer Service: Managing the Customer Experience to Increase Positive Word of Mouth, Build Loyalty, and Maximize Profits
Автор: John Goodman
The success of any organization depends on high-quality customer service. But for companies that strategically align customer service with their overall corporate strategy, it can transcend typical good business to become a profitable word-of-mouth machine that will transform the bottom line. Drawing on over thirty years of research for companies such as 3M, American Express, Chik-Fil-A, USAA, Coca-Cola, FedEx, GE, Cisco Systems, Neiman Marcus, and Toyota, author Goodman uses formal research, case studies, and patented practices to show readers how they can: * calculate the financial impact of good and bad customer service * make the financial case for customer service improvements * systematically identify the causes of problems * align customer service with their brand * harness customer service strategy into their organization's culture and behavior Filled with proven strategies and eye-opening case studies, this book challenges many aspects of conventional wisdom-using hard data-and reveals how any organization can earn more loyalty, win more customers...and improve their financial bottom line.
Восстание машин отменяется! Мифы о роботизации
Автор: Дэвид Минделл
Человек и робот - где пролегает граница между ними, и какие опасности несет наша близость? Опираясь на личный опыт, многочисленные интервью и данные новейших исследований, наиболее авторитетный ученый в этой области Дэвид Минделл предлагает закулисный взгляд на самые инновационные области применения робототехники. Блестящий научный анализ, изложенный доступным языком, убедительно раскрывает мысль автора, что жесткие границы, которые мы прочертили между людьми и роботами, между ручным и автоматизированным управлением, только мешают пониманию наших взаимоотношений с робототехникой. Автор развенчивает идею автономных роботов, предлагая взамен обнадеживающее послание о центральной роли человека в технологическом ландшафте, который мы сейчас создаем.
Homo Roboticus? Люди и машины в поисках взаимопонимания
Автор: Джон Маркофф
Хотим мы этого или нет, но скоро нам придется сосуществовать с автономными машинами. Уже сейчас мы тратим заметную часть времени на взаимодействие с механическими подобиями людей в видеоиграх или в виртуальных системах - от FAQbots до Siri. Кем они станут - нашими слугами, помощниками, коллегами или хозяевами? Автор пытается найти ответ на философский вопрос о будущих взаимоотношениях людей и машин и представляет читателям группу компьютерщиков, программистов, робототехников и нейробиологов, считающих, что мы подходим к переломному моменту, когда искусственный интеллект превзойдет человеческий и наш мир безвозвратно изменится. Однако место человека в этом новом мире специалисты видят по-разному, и автор знакомит нас со всем спектром мнений. Центральная тема книги - двойственность и парадоксальность, присущие деятельности разработчиков, которые то расширяют возможности человека, то заменяют людей с помощью создаваемых систем.